Sunday, July 5, 2009

Out And About

I'm not sleeping. Some time after the sun rises in the morning, I'm hopefully able to grab a couple hours. This is really affecting my mood, too, and not in a good way. Needless to say, I'm sluggish and tired and ohhh so grumpy. If you are someone I love, you are under fire of the wrath of Sheri. I'm trying very hard remind myself that no one is doing anything wrong - I'm just a loon with out of control hormones and getting very little sleep. I've given new meaning to the term emotional basket case. I'm here now to apologize to everyone I've unfairly gotten upset with. I'm here now to apologize in the future to those I will get upset with (I'm being realistic here.)

Today I decided instead of lying around the house all day I would get out and do something fun with the kids. We finally decided we would go downtown to see the fountains and do a bit of shopping. We could have gotten out there much earlier, but I had to take a nap; a shower; put on makeup; and yell at Tom, the kids and Spike, first. We had a good time when we eventually got out there. They allow the kids to run through the fountains, but I didn't think to bring bathing suits for the kids - the kids were disappointed. After that we walked and walked and walked around the Crown Center shopping plaza. I was exhausted. I'm hoping - being as tired as I am - that I'll finally be able to sleep because I got some exercise.

I'm not sure if it's the lack of sleep or if I truly don't care anymore, but today I did something I've never done before... We found a very cool hat store while we were out. I was wearing my new long wig (and I looked smashing, thank you very much) and I decided I was going to try on hats. With people milling around, I snatched off wig - displaying my bald head for the world to see - while I hunted for a lovely new hat. I found one. The next thing I did, I'm sure was because of sleep deprivation, though... The kids were toy shopping in the Crayola Store when I got hit by a nasty hot flash; I whipped off my wig and put on my new hat in the middle of that store.

My head is looking ridiculous right now. I'm finally growing hair! Yay! But just in patchy areas. I have fluffy soft sprouts on the top of my head and not a whole lot around the sides and back. At this point, I don't care. Hair is hair.

*It was very difficult for me to concentrate to write this blog post. If you find any errors, please report your findings to menopausesucksandIdon'


  1. I am glad you felt like getting out. Next time you take the kids out there, they will remind you to take their bathing suits.

    Take you wig off any time you want to because you have been through enough for a life time.

    Take it easy and try to do a little more each day until you are back up to where you want to be.


  2. I'd have lol and probably clapped if I was in the store when you did that! lol I think you are smashing without the wig, hats are great fun! I don't know what was worse after loosing my ovary's, the hot flashes or not being able to sleep. Or maybe it was waking up soaked in sweat when I did go to sleep? Or it could have been the weight gain or a combination of all of the above. But I will say there is nothing more fun that a sweaty fat girl who is over tired and moody. lol

  3. You are such a kicker. I like that you are covering all bases to apologize in advance and so proactive! :-)

    I'm really glad you ventured out and hope it will help you rest tonight. Still praying for you Sheri. God Bless you and yours!

  4. I love your preemptive apology. What have you got to say about Windows Vista? Is that your fault too?

    I hate insomnia. I HATE that you're not getting any sleep.

    Try honey before bed. (And NO, I'm not holistic. I take Ambien.)

  5. Soon you will have a great little pixie cut like victoria beckham! I'm pretty sure you will start feeling better the chemo drugs filter out of your body. I hope! Maybe then you can get some sleep too.

  6. Hi Sheri, check out this song "Sorry, Blame it on Me" by Akon, I think you'll like it.

    You can preview it here on iTunes:

    Hoping you get some sleep soon...

  7. I'm so sorry you aren't sleeping ... the decadron keeps me up and makes me real moody.

    You're very kind to apologize in advance ...

  8. I absolutely love your quote at the bottom of this post!
